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If you are seeking a Nursing Career that includes compassion, collaboration and coordination of patient care along the continuum of the healthcare experience, you won’t want to miss this event!

Day/Date:  Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Time:  6:00 PM
Location: Norfolk, VA
RSVP to aeread@sentara.com

Event location details will be sent with confirmed RSVP

Come and join us for an evening of dining and networking with our Sentara Norfolk General Hospital Oncology & Back and Neck Surgery Unit Nursing Leaders.  Hear about their exciting departments, hospital growth and Nursing Careers at Sentara Healthcare!

With facilities in Virginia and North Carolina, we are not only committed to providing the finest care possible, but also to advancing the way that care is provided. To achieve our vision, we need clinical professionals, like you, who embrace change and who possess the passion and skills to make that happen!

Must RSVP to attend.

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